Semua ini menyebabkan kerosakan teruk kepada bahagian terpenting – sel-sel badan kita. Sel yang rosak didapati punca kepada kebanyakan isu penuaan – dari tidak mampu menaiki tangga sehinggalah kulit yang berkedut. KINI, anda boleh membantu memperlahankan, malah menterbalikkan proses ini dengan memperbaiki punca – sel-sel badan kita. Dengan produk Siri RxYoung, anda bukan sahaja meningkatkan perlindungan sel dari radikal bebas, tetapi juga menghidupkan semula dan merawat sel rosak – membuatkan anda rasa dan kelihatan lebih muda dari yang anda pernah bayangkan!!!
For years we've been led to believe that we must feel and look a certain way at a certain age. Now, science has shown us that what we associate as normal aging is actually premature aging.
Joint pains, loss of muscle dexterity, being oerweight, lack of energy, lack of sexual drive, sagging skin, spots, wrinkles and fine lines on your skin and other signs of old age have been proven to be accelerated in today's modern man due to increased stress, poor nutrition, lack of healthy drinking water, polluted air and lifestyle choices (like smoking and not exercising).
All these cause lasting damage to the most important part of our body - our cells. Damaged cells are the root cause to many of our ahing issues - from being unable to climb a flight of stairs to wrinkled skin.
Now you can help slow down and even reverse this process by fixing the root cause - our cells. With RxYoung Series of products you would not only enhance protection of cells from being harmed by free radicals, but it would also help rejuvenate and treat damaged cells, leaving you feeking, acting and looking younger than you ever thought possible!!!
Miracle of Natural Anti-Aging with RxYoung _________________________ |